Pulse >< January – February 2005


p u l s e

/ Jon Rouston / son:DA / Herwig Weiser  
19. Jänner  –  26. Februar, 2005

Galerie Lisa Ruyter is pleased to present “Pulse”, featuring works by Jon Routson, son:DA and Herwig Weiser.

The artists in „Pulse“share an interest in low-tech structuralism, in finding a simple way to express ideas with untraditional methods. They tend to follow logics of binary oppositions, and as a group, this, more than anything else, connects their work to the traditional forms of art making that are usually encountered in a gallery setting. Together, the works make an interactive environment – a sort of music room.

Jon Routson (b. 1969 Washington, D.C., lives and works in Baltimore) presents “Strober,” very simply, a video of a strobe light. This is a recent remake of Routson’s first video work, which led to his well-known series of bootlegs of movies, which were shown in two exhibitions at Team Gallery in New York. Routson conceptualizes his “Strober” as video vs. film, with the strobe light being a surrogate for the blinking or flicker that creates the illusion of a moving image in film.

son:DA (Metka Golec, born 1972 in Maribor, Slovenia. Miha Horvat, born 1976 in Maribor, Slovenia. They live and work in Vienna and Maribor. ) creates a ‘constellation’ of interactive television devices. The cabling of the televisions are rewired so that they become instruments where the image interrupts the sound or the sound interrupts the image, or looked at in another way, the boundaries between the viewer the image and the sound become slightly fluid and malleable.

Herwig Weiser (b. 1969 Innsbruck, lives and works in Cologne) exhibits a version of his ‘zgodlocator,’ a low-tech machine that magnetically re-animates recycled elements of computers, and gives them a sound program. It is basically a low-tech computer made out of destroyed computers, or as the artist calls it ‘dead information.’

On January 19,  at 9:30, after the opening of „Pulse“, there will be a performance lecture by Cory Arcangel at Galerie Lisa Ruyter`s Project Space.